I've been having great days of mail lately. WOO HOO!!! I must get back to writing a few letters. I have been a bit lazy these days and think it has to do with this weather. It's been a little cloudy today. I am finally getting around to editing my photos of all the cute mail I received. It's soooo nice to have my mail box full of letters.
I made a lot of new pallies at Penpalling and Letters on Facebook as well as here on blogger. YAY!!! For those who wrote to me lately... Thank you SOOOO much!!! I also am working on a few letters for a few of my pallies (Jacqueline, Kristina, Allie, & Jackie V.) I have some goodies of cute mail to send out to you. I haven't forgotten about you gals. *WINK*
I will start on April 16th. YAY!!! I'm SUPER DUPER excited!!!!
Letter from Petrova~
Letter from Bella~
Letter from Kim L.
Letter from Lynsey~
Letter from Susan K.~
Letter from Hyemyoung~
A Sweet Note from Maria~
I also receive a bunch of Decos & Fbs in the mail:
From my friend Allie~From Mali via Deco Swappers~